Event Info 活动信息

Date: 25 May 2024 (Sat) 
Time: 8.30am – 11.30am (Singapore Time)
Cost: Free
Venue: Zoom Webinar
Registration Link: bit.ly/UGGG2024 (Registration opens at 1pm on 1 May 2024)

NOTE: A unique zoom link will be emailed to you to join the webinar. Please sign up using the email address you use for your Zoom account. Otherwise you might have problem logging into the Zoom webinar as the zoom links are linked to the email provided during registration.

时间:8.30上午 – 11.30上午 新加坡时间
场地:Zoom Webinar
注册链接: bit.ly/UGGG2024 (注册于 2023 年 5 月 1 日下午 1点开始)

注意:我们将通过电子邮件向您发送加入网络研讨会的链接。请使用您 Zoom 帐户的电邮地址进行注册。否则,您可能无法登录 Zoom 网络研讨会,因为 Zoom 登入是链接到您注册时提供的电邮地址。

About this Webinar 关于网络研讨会

This Parents Webinar is conducted in English with Mandarin simultaneous translation. This means that participants can choose English or Mandarin for their audio on Zoom.  

With the increase accessibility of mobile devices, parents increasingly need to manage your children’s gaming. Games are here to stay and will be part of our lives. Complete embargo of games for your child and youth will mean social and technology isolation. On the other hand excessive gaming can be a very real issue for some gamers. Yet, game dependency, or some termed gaming addiction, is rarely on the clinical radar as a cause or contributor to educational or behavioural difficulties for which psychological services were being sought as compared to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), conduct disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, insomnia, and mood deregulation.

For this Parents Webinar, we seek to equip parents with frameworks to help parents better understand games, gamers and game dependency. With better understanding of games and your child’s gaming motivations, parent-child communication and relationship can be improved. Developed from the understanding of a youth’s brain development, various communication strategies will be examined.

For this webinar, we have two invited speakers, Adam Najberg from Level Infinite and Alsen Chanamuto from the Centre for Fathering. Adam brings to the table his wealth of experience in the tech and gaming space while raising two children of his own.  Alsen will be sharing with us the importance of fathers, especially gaming fathers, and your impact and influence on your gaming children as a gaming father and educator himself.  

The webinar is facilitated by Pauline Phoon the Founder of COMEBACK, with COMEBACK Psychologists, Nicholas Gabriel Lim and Poh Xing Yong sharing their insights and recommendations. 

本次家长网络研讨会以英语进行,并配有中文同声传译。参与者可以选择英语或中文作为你们在 Zoom 上的音频。

随着手机的普遍,父母越来越需要关注孩子玩电动游戏。随着电动游戏的发展,它已经成为我们生活的一部分。如果完全禁止您的孩子和青少年玩电动游戏将意味着社交和科技隔离,但不受约束的玩电动游戏会对孩子有不良的影响。然而,与注意力缺陷多动障碍 (ADHD)、失眠、情绪失调和其他心理状况相比,沉迷游戏,或游戏成瘾,通常在心理学临床检验上不算是学习和行为问题的原因。


这次的研讨会,我们很荣幸的邀请到 Adam Najberg,Level Infinite 的公关主管和 Alsen Chanamuto,好爸爸中心的学校参与经理。Adam在科技和游戏领域有丰富经验,也是两个孩子的父亲。身为教育者和喜爱电动游戏的父亲,Alsen会探讨父亲们在孩子电动游戏行为和成长过程中所扮演的重要角色。

这家长网络研讨会由 COMEBACK 创始人 Pauline Phoon 主持。COMEBACK 心理学家 Nicholas Gabriel LimPoh Xing Yong 将会分享他们的见解和建议。

Books Giveaway

COMEBACK’s annual Parents Webinar: Understanding Games, Gamers and Game Dependency is coming up this Saturday morning.

We have an exciting announcement! We have limited copies of these books to give away to resource and empower parents.

More information on how to obtain these books will be provided during the Parent Webinar. So register now and see you!

P.S. This giveaway is only applicable for mailing to Singapore address. The books are in English, there is no Chinese translated version.

A big thank you to Zhiying and team at MediaCorp 8 News for doing up such an insightful segment about gaming. They interviewed Pauline Phoon, COMEBACK founder and also Jane Kee (Huiyi) who attended our Parents Webinar in May 2022. The team has condensed the much information that Pauline shared in a very concise manner for the last 2 minute. 

非常感谢新传媒新闻部的颜季莹和同事制作了如此有见地的游戏片段。他们采访了 COMEBACK 创始人 Pauline Phoon 和慧仪,她五月2022年参与了我们的家长网络研讨会。在最后 2 分钟,制作组用非常简洁的方式浓缩了 Pauline 分享的信息。

About the Speakers 关于讲员

COMEBACK Speakers 网络研讨会讲员

Nicholas-Gabriel-Lim Square

Nicholas Gabriel Lim

COMEBACK Supervising Psychologist | COMEBACK 督导心理师
Nicholas Gabriel Lim is the principal psychologist and a board of director at COMEBACK. As a registered psychologist, he has worked with youths for 2 decades. He is the co-founder of the Youth Work Association (Singapore), a clinical supervisor to young budding psychologist, a youth mentor, and an author of the book Parents’ Playbook for Helping Youths Succeed and the ebook Understanding Adolescents, both under the main theme of Clash of the Mind and Heart. He has spent his career in the people, private and public sectors. All of which have been with youths, families, and advocates of youths.

Given his depth and breadth of work with youths, he has been on various government advisory councils, like the Media Literacy Council and the National Council for Problem Gambling, and more recently, on the National Council Against Drug Abuse.

Nicholas not only has Degrees in Psychology from the University of Queensland and the Nanyang Technological University, but also various clinical and practice certificates like for Youth Work Coaching and Supervision, Choice Theory and Reality Therapy, Adventure Therapy, and Therapeutic Behavior Management, just to name a few. Recently, he has also completed his Juris Doctor. With training in psychology and law now, he brings great insights to his practice and even to our learning.

In his free time, Nicholas enjoys reading a good book and heading to the gym. Together with his beautiful wife, he has three children. He lives by his favorite mantra, a life well reflected would be a life well lived!

Nicholas Gabriel Lim 为 COMEBACK 的督导心理学家和暨董事会成员之一。 身为一名执业临床心理师,过去这二十年来一直在做青少年辅导工作,同时也是(新加坡)青年服务协会共同创办人,不仅 督导刚起步的年轻临床心理医师,也担任许多青年的导师,并著有《帮助青少年成功的父母剧本(暂译)》和《了解青少年(暂译)》电子书,该两本书的主题均为「大脑与心的冲击」。 不论是在或是公家单位,Nicholas一直很重视人的栽培,包含针对青少年、家庭或是那些为年轻人辩护的人。 有鉴于Nicholas从事青少年工作的深度及广度,他有在数个不同政府部门,例如媒体素养委员会及新加坡赌博问题防治委员会担任顾问。 Nicholas不仅有澳洲昆士兰大学和新加坡南洋理工大学的心理学学位,同时也拥有数张可以进行青少年教练和督导工作、选择理论、现实疗法、冒险疗法和疗愈行为 管理等的临床执照。他刚完成了法学专业学位 ,融合了心理学和法律的知识。 在平日的休闲时间,他乐于读本好书和去健身。 他与美丽的妻子共育有三名儿女,并且完全活出个人最爱的人生格言:必须好好反思,才不会虚度此生!


Poh Xing Yong

COMEBACK Clinical Psychologist | COMEBACK 心理师
Xing Yong is a Clinical Psychologist with COMEBACK with a Masters in Clinical Psychology. He has struggled with game dependency since Primary school, and now aims to help others overcome their similar struggles in game dependency using his past experiences and background in Psychology.

Xing Yong 在 COMEBACK 担任心理师,他拥有临床心理学硕士。他本身从小学起就面临到游戏依赖的挣扎,现在他将目标着重在运用个人过去的经历和在心理学的专业背景,帮助他人胜过自己对于游戏依赖的挣扎。

Pauline Phoon 600×600

Pauline Phoon

Founder & CEO of COMEBACK | COMEBACK创办人暨执行长
Pauline Phoon is the founder of COMEBACK PTE LTD.

Pauline noticed the societal and relational gaps that were being formed with the meteoric rise of gaming, and so she began to first plug those gaps with simple engagement activities for gamers.

As her understanding of the psychology of games and gamers deepened, she developed various training programmes which continued to expand over the years. Her programmes and events are continually being refined as she factors in the changing landscape of the gaming world.

Pauline is mindfully aware of the potential of the positive, as well as negative, benefits of gaming, and aims to maximize the former, while being fully cognisant of the latter.

Pauline 有感于社会大众在人际关系上因着游戏的蓬勃发展而造成隔阂,于是开始藉由提供游戏玩家一些简单互动性的活动去消弥这样的隔阂。

根据她对于游戏依赖的心理学理解,这些年下来她研发出了许多不同的训练课程,并且仍不断扩展中,她的课程与活动一直在 随着游戏世界的变化而在持续地精进中。

Pauline 非常关注也很清楚游戏所具有的正面与负面效益可能性,不仅致力于将前者放大到极致,同时也认知到后者的存在。

Invited Speakers 特邀演讲嘉宾

Parents Feedback

Adam Najberg

Adam Najberg

Head of Communications, Level Infinite
Adam Najberg has headed communications at Tencent Games Global’s Level Infinite publishing brand since May 2021. He joined from Alibaba Group, where he ran global content and international media relations and was director of global communications at drone-maker Shenzhen DJI before that. He moved into PR after a quarter century as a foreign correspondent, mostly with Dow Jones Newswires and The Wall Street Journal. He’s the author of three books and recently completed his fourth documentary film. He’s a 1990 graduate of Bowdoin College, attended UC Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism and has worked for The Washington Post, American Public Radio’s Marketplace, The Associated Press and several other media organizations. He’s a father of two now-grown children whose access to games and screens were always closely monitored and limited by age and standards of appropriateness.

Adam Najberg 自2021年五月起担任腾讯全球游戏Level Infinite出版品牌的公关主管。在此之前,他任职于阿里巴巴集团,经营全球事由和国际媒体关系;再之前,他在深圳无人机制造公司DJI担任全球公关总监。转换跑道进入公关领域之前,他有25年的时间在道琼新闻网和华尔街日报等主流媒体担任驻外通讯记者。在他名下已出版三本著作,最近才刚刚完成他第四部记录影片。他于1990年毕业于鲍登学院,并曾于加州柏克莱大学攻读新闻研究所。他也曾任职于华盛顿邮报、美国公共传媒广播网、美联社及其他许多媒体机构。他有两个已成年的儿子,但在成长过程中,他很在意他们使用电脑和游戏的时间和内容,会依不同年龄阶段,有不同的标准与适当性要求。


Alsen Chanamuto

Schools Engagement Manager, Centre for Fathering | 好爸爸中心的学校参与经理
Alsen has been happily married for 11 years and a father of 3 young children. He is a casual gamer and a fan of adventure games like Batman Arkham City and Assassins creed and sporting games like winning eleven and NBA as well as FPS games such as HALO. He is an experienced educator who has worked in the primary school sector for over a decade. He is a firm believer that the best degree of engagement for the best learning can be achieved by combining excellent facilitation with well-designed presentations. Combining his passion for education and parenting, he is currently serving as the Schools Engagement Manager (Primary Schools) at the Centre for Fathering to inspire parents, especially fathers, to be better role models and thereby, strengthen families.

Alsen 与妻子结褵并拥有美满婚姻至今11年,育有3名年幼子女。 他偶尔会打打电动,尤其喜爱像是《蝙蝠侠:阿卡汉城市》和《刺客教条》这类的冒险游戏,或是像足球游戏《Winning Eleven》、《NBA》等运动游戏,以及《光环》这类 射击游戏等。 他本身是名经验丰富的教育工作者,过去有十年以上在小学里的工作经验。 他深信如果能够有卓越的教学方法再配上设计良好的画面呈现,将会使学习者有最高的投入程度和最好的学习效果。 结合了他对教育与亲职教养的热情,他目前在好爸爸中心担任(小学)学校参与经理,负责鼓励父母亲,尤其是父亲,要有更好的身教,好让家庭可以更为稳固。

I understand that my teenage son doesn’t have an actual addiction so I should stop calling it that. I will ask him to take the survey of what type of gamer he is. I think he’s an achiever so my husband and I need to communicate more with him about boundaries. It was a good reminder about the frontal cortex not being formed in teenagers and it’s necessary to build positive, emotional and meaningful relationships with him and to communicate in a way he understands.

Faith Janssen

Parents Webinar 27 May 2023

Greatest takeaway will be Nic’s session where I now fully understand the reasons why talking and giving advice to the youngsters nowadays often fell to deaf ears where their foolish acts will be repeatedly seen when their neurological development and functions are not fully matured enough to learn from their mistakes. Thank you for the inspiring session where all the speakers have delivered the topics very clearly and well which is easily digestible for us parents and I hope there will be more sessions like this which I can recommend to my friends as well. Though 3 hours may seem long but attending the session itself is actually short, considering there are so much to learn from.


Parents Webinar 21 May 2022

I really liked that the session started off with setting the audience’s perception about online games and gamers. It was an awakening moment for me to learn that video games are not wrong and even beneficial for development. I use to think that online gaming is not recommended for young children considering the possibility of being exposed to inappropriate content; and the effect on health and socio development etc. Next comes the section on child’s brain development – it may seem technical but understanding the science behind how our children respond to situation helps parents to reframe their perception on behaviours and hence being able to recalibrate our own responses to help our developing children create the right neuro pathways into their adolescent years and early adulthood.
Great tips and realistic examples were also given to illustrate the learnings throughout.
Thumbs up to the team!

Jane Kee

Parents Webinar 26 May 2021

The whole session was so informative and engaging that we were glued to the Zoom session for the entire 3+ hour session. At first I thought it was another boring talk. The format was superb with the honest sharing of past young gamers, an almost clinical look at the the issue and a moderator for the session. Our teenaged kids even watched part of it when they saw their familiar games being mentioned and opened the doors for some conversation. The panelists answered ALL questions, which was really useful for cross-sharing. My biggest takeaway was the heartfelt sharing from the 2 past gamers – gives a sense of realism to the entire session. Thanks so much for organising this superb sesson! Good job and well done! Will definitely encourage more parents to join future sessions!

Cindy Chua

Parents Webinar 21 Nov 2020

Special Thanks! 特别感谢

Special and sincere appreciation to the follow parents group for your support for this webinar and all the work you do for the parents:

If you are looking for parents who are in the same journey with you to support one another, or more parenting resources, please look through the groups and check your child’s school PSG and find one that suits you best! 如果您正在寻找与您志同道合、互相支持的家长,或者更多的育儿资源,请浏览各个群组并查看您孩子所在学校的 PSG,找到最适合您的!

Resources for You

Understanding Games and Gamers is put together for both non-gamers and gamers. Understanding a little about game design empowers the gamer to have better control. Player motivations is explained through gamer types that are mapped to Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®.

COMEBACK Parents Resource – Here’s a compilation of COMEBACK articles and videos that might be helpful to parents. 

Parents SOOS Group​

We welcome parents to join our private Parents Facebook Group that we put out updates occasionally, whenever  they are available. Please feel free to request to join and we will add you into the group.